Thursday, July 12, 2018

Free Istikhara Solve All Problem’s in Your life

Free Istikhara Solve All Problem’s in Your life. For Example difficulties in Marriage, bring your husband on the right way, difficulties in Education, difficulties in foreign journey, fails in LOVE, Not a birth of Children, problem in business & Physical illness. Get the solution even in one call at your HOME. All of my sisters and daughters that had been Disappointed from astrologer can Contact by Understanding the Last Light of Solution. Then there are assumptions we make about people based on our experience of them, but more importantly, our interpretation of those experiences. You see, there is no such thing as an accurate recounting of an event or experience. We read into everything that happens. We notice some things, we ignore other things. You see, our senses and our brain are filters for anything happening. Our mind is a secondary filter. By the time we are perceiving something happening, it is already sifted through several filters. • Have you ever had a disagreement with someone over a disagreement? I see it on a daily basis in my office. A couple has a disagreement, then when they discuss it with me, one could believe that they were actually describing separate events! They get into a fight about the fight they had! Both believe something very different happened. Our filters really can get in our way! • Over time, we build into our filters some of our beliefs. And the one I would like to highlight here is whether we believe the other person is doing the best he or she can. We have a built-in assumption one way or the other. Either we believe the other person is doing the best he/she can or we believe he or she is not. • After almost 2 decades in the therapy office, I am truly convinced that people really are doing the best they can, where they are. Notice that there are two parts to that sentence. The second part is crucial: "where they are." People may be able to do better, but I never have people saying "you know, I'm just not trying." • Well, admittedly, there have been a few, but those few were really only kicking themselves for not doing well enough. They were doing the best they could, but had internalized someone else's belief that they could do better. • So, everyone is doing the best they can, where they are. They may end up doing better later, but given where things are, they are doing their best. • Now, imagine believing this. If you truly believe it, you can more easily be sympathetic for when the other person falls short. • Apply this to saving your marriage. We can easily get to a point, as a marriage is in crisis, that we just see our spouse as having given up, or not doing the right thing, or being ignorant, or being useless. . . you get the picture! • But what if we start with assuming that he or she is really doing the best he or she can, given where he or she is right now! Then we can be more empathetic. Perhaps what he or she is doing is not working, but that is different than not working at it. • Let's face it: we only have control over our own lives. As much as anyone would like a spouse to get in there and save a marriage, we have only ourselves to affect change. And if we are more empathetic, understanding, and looking for the best, the better the chances that we will get that returned to us. Istikhara For Marriage And the starting point to saving a marriage is to shift our own perceptions of a spouse, and as we assume that the spouse is doing the best he or she can right now, the softer our perception becomes. The softer our perception becomes, the more room we allow to see our spouse more clearly. The more clearly we see a spouse, the less reactive we become. And the less reactive we become, the easier it is to relate. Then , we have moved down the path to saving a marriage. • Saving a marriage from divorce is challenging for any couple. There are some who say that if a couple live together before marriage and get to know each other it will sort out any potential problems so the relationship will be perfect. But this is not true. Research shows that more couples who live before marriage get divorced than those who don't. • The reason that one relationship fails may be the complete opposite for another. Saving a marriage from divorce is all about communication and commitment. • Where Do You Begin? • When you don't talk to each other and there's no dedication to make the marriage work then there is little or no hope to save your marriage. Sit down, talk with each other and be open to other points of view. • When either one of you is unfaithful it is one the most difficult problems to resolve. But if both of you make the effort to care for each other's needs and build a solid home life then maybe nobody will tempted to stray. But it still occurs. • Arguments will arise in any marriage but try to be respectful of your partner's opinion. Your partner is human and will make mistakes or do things that annoy you. Some you can forgive and maybe some you cannot. If you give an appropriate level of consideration to your partner's likes and dislikes it will help to avoid too many arguments. • Dealing with issues about sex and money are high on the list when trying to save your marriage from divorce. If you have too little of either of these factors it can cause issues. These two things are best discussed before marriage but feelings and needs can change after the marriage vows are taken. • Maintaining A Good Marriage. • Every marriage has ups and downs, good days and bad nights. It is much easier to save your marriage when repair starts early although sometimes one partner is not even aware that something is wrong. • Marriage can be a fine line because one wrong step and the whole thing can go drastically wrong. The best way to avoid a divorce is to be mindful of your partner's feelings and communicate with each other regularly. Don't forget that they can't read your mind and will need you to tell them what you want. If they don't know , how are they going to give you what you need in the relationship? It's bad enough when a relationship fails, but when your marriage seems to be over, it is simply devastating. The years of hard work that you and your spouse have put into the marriage cannot simply be thrown away. Those times of crises that you managed to get through together will never be forgotten.